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《灵界经历》 第1163节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1163

1163. Yet the spiritual do like milk quite a bit, especially raw milk, for when I drank milk, I could hardly describe how delicious it was. So Milk pertains to the spiritual, but butter to the heavenly. It is not that they enjoy them as foods, but because of what they portray and symbolize. 1748, 3, 4 March. This arises from the agreement [of the odors] with their auras, which are also portrayed by odors.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1163

1163. But yet the spiritual are greatly delighted with milk, especially with fresh milk, for when I partook of some, it was with such enjoyment that I can scarcely describe it. Wherefore milk belongs to spiritual things, but butter to celestial. Spirits do not enjoy these things as foods but on account of their representations, that is, on account of the things they signify. 1748, Mar. 3, 4. This arises from the agreement of the spheres which are also represented by odors. 1


1. The last sentence appears to have been added later, perhaps in September when Swedenborg was making the Index.

Experientiae Spirituales 1163 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1163. Sed usque spirituales delectantur admodum lacte, imprimis crudo, nam cum lac ederem, tanto id delectamento 1

fuit, ut vix describere possem, quare Lac est spiritualium, butyrum autem est coelestium, non quod iis ut cibis delectentur, sed ob repraesentationes, seu ob ea quae significant. 1748, 3, 4 Martius. Hoc ex convenientia sphaerarum oritur, quae per odores quoque repraesentantur.


1. The Manuscript has delectatamento

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