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《灵界经历》 第1167节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1167

1167. The difference of condition between men and spirits in regard to societies

Mankind cannot readily be straightened out. This can be seen from the fact that [those of] the human race are in such a corrupt condition that a person joins a group, becomes enslaved to it, and can only with difficulty withdraw from it. Then whatever the society is like, such for the most part is the person.

The state of those who are in heaven as to the spirit is different. For them it is the same as for a spirit or soul: one can be inserted into various different societies of spirits, even of angels, and whatever the society of spirits is like, such is the person or spirit.

The contrary takes place with the human race, namely, whatever the society of people is like, such for the most part are the spirits by whom they are led.

However, in the true Church, where all are brothers and sisters, it is different. There societies can likewise vary, for they are led like spirits, and do not seek societies from motives of self-love and profit, but only for the sake of the faith and friendship. In this way, according to the order established by the Lord, they can be arranged more directly than can groups living in a corrupt state. 1748, 4 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1167


That man cannot be thus amended, can be evident from the fact that the human race is in such a perverse state that it adjoins itself to the society to which it is addicted, and from which it can with difficulty recede. Therefore such as is the society, such for the most part is the man. Man's state is different when as to his spirit he is in heaven; he is then like the spirits or souls in that he can be inserted into different and various societies of spirits, even of angels, and such as is the society of spirits, such is the man, that is, his spirit. The contrary has come to pass with the human race, namely, that such as is the society of men, such for the most part is the society of the spirits by whom they are led. But, indeed, in the true Church in which all are brethren, it is different. There the societies can be varied in like manner since they are led like spirits, for they do not seek societies for the reason of self-love or of gain, but only for the sake of faith and friendship, thus they can be arranged according to an order instituted more immediately by the Lord than can associations in a perverse state of life. 1748, Mar. 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 1167 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1167. Differentia conditionis hominum, ac spirituum, quoad societates

Quod ita emendari nequeat homo, exinde constare potest, quod humanum genus in statu perverso tale sit, ut semet adjungat societati, cui addicitur, et e qua aegre recedit, ita qualis est societas, talis plerumque homo; aliter status hominis dum spiritu est in coelo, tunc 1

[ei] est, sicut spiritui seu animae, quod in diversas et varias societates spirituum, imo angelorum inseri queat, et qualis est societas spirituum, talis est homo, seu spiritus, contrarium evenit in genere humano, nempe qualis est societas hominum, talis plerumque spirituum, per quos ducuntur: at vero in Ecclesia vera, in qua omnes fratres sunt, aliter, ibi societates similiter variari possunt, nam sicut spiritus ducuntur, nam non sui amoris, ac lucri causa quaerunt societates, sed modo fidei et amicitiae gratia, ita disponi possunt secundum ordinem institutum a Domino immediatius, quam in statu vitae perverso associationes. 1748, 4 Martius.


1. J.F.I in Tafel's edition tum

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