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《灵界经历》 第1166节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1166

1166. One who is absorbed in worldly cares, slips into an entirely different state of mind

For almost three years now, or 33 months, I have been in that state where my mind, actually withdrawn from bodily matters, has been able to be in societies of spiritual and heavenly beings, while yet I have been just like anyone else in earthly society, without any difference. The spirits also have been surprised at this.

Yet in spite of this my thought was at times intensely absorbed in worldly matters, as when I had to worry about monetary needs, and when I wrote a letter today, keeping my mind somewhat concentrated on them. Then I slipped into a bodily-like state of mind, so that spirits could not speak with me. They even told me that it was as if they had been absent from me, almost as it had been before.

From this I can tell that spirits are unable to speak with a person who is extremely busy with worldly and bodily matters. For bodily concerns so to speak pull down the mental images of the higher mind and immerse them in bodily ones. 1748, 4 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1166


For almost three years, that is, for 33 months, I have now been in such a state that my mind, having been indeed withdrawn from corporeal things, could be among societies of spiritual and celestial beings, and yet I have been like any other man in the company of men without any difference, at which the spirits also wondered. Despite this, when I was closely engaged in thought concerning worldly matters - as when I had worries about necessary expenses, and when I wrote a letter today - so that I kept my mind [animus] for some time intent upon such matters, I then relapsed into a state, as it were, corporeal, so that the spirits were unable to speak with me. They said that they had been, as it were, absent, almost in like manner as it had been before. Hence I can know that spirits cannot speak with a man who is excessively devoted to worldly and corporeal concerns, for the corporeal cares draw down, as it were, the ideas of the mind and immerse them in corporeal things. 1748, Mar. 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 1166 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1166. Qui curis mundanis inhaeret, quod prorsus in alium statum labatur

Cum itaque nunc paene per tres annos, seu 33 menses in eo statu fuerim, ut mens mea a corporeis quidem abducta, interesse potuerit societatibus spiritualium et coelestium, et usque fuerim sicut alius in societate hominum, absque ulla differentia, quod mirati quoque sunt spiritus, usque dum intense inhaeserim mundanis cogitatione, ut dum curas habui de necessariis pecuniis, et hodie epistolam scripsi, sic ut in iis animum aliquantum detinuerim, tunc in statum quasi corporeum lapsus sum, ut non potuerint spiritus mecum loqui, sicut etiam dixerunt, quod quasi absentes fuerint, similiter paene quoque prius; inde scire possum, quod spiritus nequeant loqui cum homine, qui curis mundanis et corporeis impense studet, nam corporea detrahunt quasi ideas mentis, et immergunt corporeis. 1748, 4 Martius.

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