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《灵界经历》 第1169节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1169

1169. Such spirits slip into anyone's feelings, by pretending even an affection for good. Then they speak flatteringly into the person's ears, as this spirit did, thinking he could even lead angels astray. They bring an instinct for this with them from actually having behaved in this way, cunningly talking to everyone in agreement with his or her feeling, even about matters of faith.

But still, they cannot help showing their nature in the other life, for something of it is sensed in every word, every idea. In a mental image, whatever departs from truth and goodness is seen quite clearly. Consequently, anyone who thinks that because they did this successfully in the life of the body, they will also succeed in the other life, is very much mistaken. Before the angels of only the inward heaven, this deceitful quality so acquired in the life of the body stands out so lucidly that they notice [it in] whatever he says.

The same spirit being discussed is now present, but remains silent. For they are able to be silent and think in a way that I cannot perceive his thoughts. 1748, 4 March.

Such are they who speak in one way and think in another, thinking badly of the neighbor, and speaking well, and doing so very busily. So they deceive their companions, even friends, for the sake of themselves and profit. There is a great multitude of them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1169

1169. Such spirits insinuate themselves into the affection of everyone by also simulating the affection of good, and thus they speak into the ears of others with flattery, as did this spirit who thought he could seduce even the angels. They derive such an instinct from their actual life, since they had been cunning in speaking according to everyone's affection, even about matters of faith. Nevertheless, in the other life they cannot but manifest their nature, for what it is like is perceived in each word and idea, and that which dissents from what is true and good in an idea is perceived quite manifestly. Wherefore he who supposes during his earthly life that because [his cunning] has been successful in the life of the body that it will also be successful in the other life, is very greatly deceived. This deceitfulness thus acquired in the life of the body stands forth so clearly, even before the angels of the interior heaven, that they observe it in whatever he says. This same spirit here spoken of is now present, but he is silent, so that I may not perceive his thoughts for such spirits can be silent and think. 11748, Mar. 4.


1. Crossed out: "But such spirits are separated from the rest lest they should seduce anyone, and that they may be held in bonds."

[1169a.] Such are the spirits who speak in one way and think in another, thinking evilly of their neighbor, and speaking well, and doing this carefully, so that they deceive their companions and even their friends, for the sake of self and gain. There is a very great multitude of such.

Experientiae Spirituales 1169 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1169. Tales insinuant se cujusvis affectioni, etiam affectionem boni simulando, sic in aures loquuntur, assentiendo, sicut hic spiritus, qui putabat se quoque angelos posse seducere, talem instinctum trahunt ab actualitate, quod fuerint astuti, loquendo secundum cujusvis affectionem, etiam quae sunt fidei, sed usque non possunt, quin naturam manifestent in altera vita, nam simile quid percipitur in quacunque voce, seu idea, quod in idea a vero et bono dissidet, hoc satis manifeste percipitur, quare, qui putat [tale] in vita corporis ex eo, quod successerit ei in vita corporis, etiam successurum ei in altera vita, quam maxime fallitur, coram angelis solum interioris coeli, dolosum hoc ita in vita corporis acquisitum, tam luculenter exstat, ut quicquid dicit, animadvertant. Adest nunc idem, de quo hic sermo, sed tacet, nam tacere possunt, et cogitare, sic ut non percipiam ejus cogitationes. 1748, 4 Martius.

Tales sunt qui aliter loquuntur, et aliter cogitant, male cogitando de proximo, et bene loquendo, et quidem industrio, sic ut fallant socios etiam amicos, sui et lucri causa, quorum multitudo magna datur. {a}

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