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《灵界经历》 第1213节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1213

1213. 1 #

# # These spirits, when engaged in their dry cruelty-dry, because without bloodshed-are at a medium distance under the feet, a little toward the front regions. But when they are in their outer condition, 2pretending virtue, then they are above the forehead, slightly forward, for they are striving for honors, and therefore pretend to be upright people.

His starry face appeared not far from my own face, toward its left side, which symbolizes [seeking] profit. 1748, 7 March. They seem to themselves to be striking the others' feet, as well as other bony parts. 3


1. Following the author's instructions, we place 1213 after 1211.

2. I. e., before their inner character has been exposed.

3. In the index at Crudelitas, "bony" is equated with "dry."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1213

1213. When such spirits are exercising their bloodless cruelty, for there is no shedding of blood, they are at a middle distance beneath the feet, a little towards the front. But when they are in their externals, thus in the pretence of honesty, they are then above the forehead a line forwards, for they seek honors for the sake of which they pretend to be honest. The star-studded face of that spirit appeared not far from my own face. It is his left side which signifies gain. 1748, Mar. 7. They seemed to themselves to strike the feet of their victims, besides other parts also which are bony.

Experientiae Spirituales 1213 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1213. 1

# # Tales sunt, dum in sua crudelitate sicca, quia absque sanguinis effusione, in media distantia sub pedibus, paululum versus anteriora, dum autem in externis, ita in simulatione honesti, tunc sunt supra frontispicium, paululum antrorsum, nam honores affectant, quorum causa simulant honestos; facies ejus stellata apparuit non procul a facie mea, [versus] ejus sinistrum latus, quod significat lucrum. 1748, 7 Martius. Pedes eorum percutere sibi videntur, praeter alia quoque quae ossa sunt.

Quod ii qui comparant divitias modis dolosis, nusquam ditescant, sed pauperes fiant

1212. Praeter quod a plurium actis hoc constet ut veritas, et tam familiare sit, ut in vulgo notum sit, quod "male parta ad tertium haeredem non veniant {a}," usque tamen plerique nihil curant, quibus modis opes conquirant, ita increduli et coeci; usque tamen hodie quoque ab angelis mihi confirmatum est, quod res se ita habeat, quod opes male partae diffluant ita, ut nesciant ipsi quibus modis, ac caeteri vero ditescant. 1748, 7 Martius.


1. indiciis auctoris conformiter, paragraphum 1213 huc transposuimus

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