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《灵界经历》 第1214节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1214

1214. 1About the very inward [angels]

The angels of the inward heaven do not so much believe that all and the least details come forth and are provided by the Lord. Consequently, they accept the idea of chance.

But the angels of the very inward heaven disallow the idea of chance, believing that all things even to the very least, down to the smallest detail, are in the hands of the Lord, so that the chain of events is Providence. As a result, they believe that so few things come from man's foresight that they are like nothing, or like tiny black bits of dust in a clear sky.

The angels of the inward heaven also realize this and believe it mentally, mainly out of principle, but not in their normal state of understanding, because they have earthly elements joined to spiritual ones. So when the earthly elements dominate, they are so to speak drawn down from a belief in very inward things. But when their earthly part is subservient, then it is the spiritual that shines, and confirms that it is the truth.


1. Paragraph 1213 appears after 1211, following the instructions of the author.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1214


The angels of the interior heaven do not have such a [strong] belief that each and all things exist and are provided by the Lord, and therefore they admit that there is chance; but the angels of the more interior heaven do not admit any chance, but believe that each and all things even to the least are provided by the Lord, and thus that the series of contingencies is Providence. They consequently believe that so few things exist from man's prudence that they are as it were of no account, or like a few grains of fine black dust in a clear sky. The angels of the interior heaven also perceive this and believe it intellectually, especially from principles, but still it is not the ordinary state of their understanding because they have natural things conjoined with spiritual. Therefore when the natural things prevail, they are as it were withdrawn from faith in more interior things; but when their natural is as a servant, then it is the spiritual that shines forth and confirms that a thing is true.

Experientiae Spirituales 1214 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1214. De intimioribus


Angeli interioris coeli nec ita credunt omnia et singula a Domino existere et provideri, quare admittunt casus, at angeli intimioris coeli, nullos casus admittunt, sed omnia et singula, etiam minima, a Domino provideri credunt, sic quod contingentium series sit Providentia; proinde tam pauca credunt ab hominis prudentia existere, ut sint quasi nihili, aut sicut pulvisculi nigri parvi in sereno coelo; interioris coeli angeli, id quoque percipiunt, et credunt intellectualiter, cumprimis ex principiis, sed usque non est eorum intellectus status ordinarius, quia naturalia spiritualibus conjuncta habent, quare dum naturalia praevalent, a fide intimiorum detrahuntur quasi, sed quum naturale eorum ut servum est, tunc spirituale est quod lucet, et confirmat, quod verum sit.


1. 1213 conformiter auctoris indiciis post 1211 transposuimus

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