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《灵界经历》 第1218节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1218

1218. Power is obtained only by chastenings

I spoke with spirits who were undergoing chastening and were losing hope, because they did not want to believe what they were being told-namely, that they can only obtain the power to become angels through chastenings. Before they have gotten as a gift from the Lord the amount of power needed to be able to be led as angels, they cannot be let in. There must be a fullness of power before admission is possible; hence the chastening process.

Moreover, after they have become angels there is also chastening, since there are still very many filthy earthly elements that rebel, causing something like fermentation within the groups. Therefore, while these elements are being thrown off, they are sent away, and then admitted again. Nor can one ever be so filled with power that such elements do not constantly have to be thrown off, and thus the angel must improve.

So spirits are gifted by the Lord with nothing but the abilities to be led in the way of truth and goodness. These are added over and above, and then, when a balance is reached, and they are being led by the Lord in truth and goodness, to themselves it seems that they are good, and that their evils and falsities have been wiped away- which, however, is not the case. 1748, 7 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1218


I spoke with spirits who were being vastated, and who despaired because they were unwilling to believe what they were told about it, namely, that power to become angels is only obtained by means of vastations, and that before they have by gift from the Lord obtained such power that they can be led like the angels, they cannot be admitted; also there must be an impletion of power before their admission. There is, therefore, vastation even after they have become angels, since there are still present very many filthy natural things in consociations which rebel and as it were ferment; while these are being dissolved, the spirits are in consequence sent away, and again admitted. Thus one can never be completely infilled with power, for there are always things that must be removed, so that the spirit may grow better. Wherefore spirits are gifted by the Lord with nothing but faculties so that they can be led in truth and good, which are superadded. And thus when these produce equilibrium, and the spirits are led in good and truth by the Lord, they then seem to themselves to be good, and it seems that evil and false things are blotted out, which however is not the case. 1748, Mar. 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 1218 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1218. Quod per vastationes solum potentia obtineatur

Cum spiritibus loquutus sum, qui in vastatione erant, et desperabant, quia non credere voluerant, quae dicebantur, de eo, quod per vastationes solum potentia obtineatur, ut esse possint angeli, et antequam tantum potentiae dono obtinuerint a Domino, ut duci quirent sicut angeli, non admitti possint, et quod potentiae impletio erit, ante admissionem, ideo vastatio, tum postquam angeli facti, ex eo, quod perplura adhuc naturalia spurca sunt, quae rebellant, et quasi fermentant, in consortiis, dum solvuntur, ideo emittuntur, et rursus admittuntur; et quod nusquam ita impleri queat potentia, quin 1

jugiter solvenda sunt, et sic meliorescet: quare nihil praeter facultates sunt, quae a Domino, donantur spiritibus 2

, ut queant duci in vero et bono, quae superadditae sunt, et sic dum aequilibrium faciunt, tunc, cum in vero et bono ducuntur a Domino, videntur sibi boni, et quod mala et falsa, sint deleta, quod tamen ita se non habet. 1748, 7 Martius.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has spiritus

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