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《灵界经历》 第1219节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1219

1219. The thoughts and deeds of souls can be uncovered in the same way as those of earthly humans

They examined souls, but in such a way that I could not find out what they had thought and what they had done in life. But I was told by angels, through spirits, that the souls of [departed] people can be explored as to what they had thought and done in life, equally as people on earth can, by a process I have spoken of here and there.

The method is almost the same, but the reason it is not allowable thus [to examine people on earth] is that they are then among spirits who like both to judge and to punish, without regard to circumstances, and thus indiscriminately; so it is not permitted. 1748, 7 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1219


Souls have been examined, but in such a manner that I was not aware what they had thought and done in their lifetime. But it was said to me by the angels, through spirits, that the souls of men [who have died] can be explored as to what they have thought and done during their life, equally as well as those of men [still alive], concerning which frequently above, for there is an almost similar relationship; but that this is not so permitted for the reason that they are then among spirits who desire both to judge and to punish without regard [to the circumstances], and thus without judgment; wherefore this is not permitted. 1748, Mar. 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 1219 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1219. Quod animarum cogitationes et facta similiter detegi queant ac Hominum

Examinarunt animas, sed ita ut non rescirem quid cogitarunt, et quid fecerunt in vita, sed dictum mihi est ab angelis per spiritus, quod animae hominum aeque possint explorari, quid in vita cogitaverint et fecerint, ac homines 1

, de quibus passim, nam similis paene ratio est, sed quod ita non liceat, ex causa est, quia tunc inter spiritus, qui tam judicare quam punire cupiunt, absque respectu, et sic absque judicio, quare non permittitur. 1748, 7 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has hominum

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