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《灵界经历》 第1220节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1220

1220. It is allowable to judge a person's inward qualities in regard to civil behavior

I have occasionally conversed with spirits on the question of whether it is allowable to judge a person's inward qualities, and when they agreed that it is, I said that it is allowable to judge about their civil and moral, but not their spiritual, life. About this the Lord Alone judges, because He Alone knows.

Their civil and moral life it is allowable to explore on the basis of their words and actions, for societies are put together in this world for a variety of reasons and purposes, and one must know whether or not one may join company with them. Otherwise, the state of the world being what it is, people would easily be led astray into evils, and robbed of their every possession. 1748, 7 March.

By moral life is meant all that is respectable in society. But how moral virtues work together with faith, and what someone is like inwardly in regard to faith-about these questions, one cannot judge.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1220


I have sometimes discussed with spirits whether it is allowable to judge concerning man's interiors, and with their agreement it was said, that it is allowable to judge concerning his civil and moral life, but not his spiritual life, concerning which the Lord alone judges because He alone knows. It is allowable to explore the civil and moral life of men from their words and actions, for societies are formed in the world in order that it may be known, from various reasons and ends, whether it is allowable to enter into association with them; otherwise, man would be in such a state of affairs that he would easily be led astray into evils, and despoiled of all his goods. 1748, Mar. 7. By moral life is understood everything honorable in respect to society. But man cannot judge how the moral virtues co-operate with faith, nor of what quality a man is as to his interiors in relation to faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 1220 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1220. Quod liceat judicare de hominis interioribus 1

quae spectant ejus vitam civilem

Aliquoties cum spiritibus in sermone fui, num liceat de hominis interioribus judicare, et consentientibus iis dictum, quod judicare liceat de vita eorum civili et morali, non autem de spirituali, de quo Solus Dominus judicat, quia Solus novit, vitam eorum civilem et moralem licet explorare, ex verbis eorum et actionibus-nam 2

societates formantur in mundo-ut 3

sciatur, num societatem inire cum iis liceat, ex variis causis et finibus, aliter homo, in tali statu rerum, facile seduceretur in mala, et spoliaretur omni bono. 1748, 7 Martius. Per moralem vitam intelligitur omne honestum quoad societates, at quomodo virtutes morales cooperantur cum fide, et qualis sit quoad interiora respectu fidei, de iis non potest homo judicare.


1. The Manuscript has interiorioribus

2. The Manuscript has actionibus, nam

3. The Manuscript has mundo, ut

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