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《灵界经历》 第1239节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1239

1239. About inward examiners, or inward judgment

There are those who constitute inward judgment, just as those making up the province of the kidneys and ureters constitute outward judgment. The first-mentioned constitute the province of that part of the brain where its excretions take place. There are many of these in the brain, namely, those within the pia mater between the folds. Then, between the tissues there are those that are pressed out into the mammillary processes, and toward the cribriform layer, and are excreted in living subjects through the openings between the meninges and the bundles of tissues. In the dead these foramina are closed, so there is no excretion. There are also excretions that are channeled into the large ventricles, where there are phlegmy substances together with spirituous ones.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1239


There are spirits who make an interior judgment. As those who make external judgment constitute the province of the kidneys and ureters, so those who make interior judgment constitute the province of that part of the cerebrum where are its excretions. In the cerebrum there are many excretions, to wit, those within the pia mater, and those between the folds; also those between the fibers. These excretions are expressed into the mammillary processes and also towards the cribriform plate. In living subjects the excretions are discharged through foramina into the spaces between the meninges and between the fascicles of fibers. In dead subjects these foramina are closed, and therefore the dischargings do not follow. There are also excretions into the large ventricles where are found both pituitous and spirituous elements.

Experientiae Spirituales 1239 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1239. De examinatoribus interioribus, seu de judicio interiori

Sunt qui judicium constituunt interius-sicut 1

ii qui constituunt provinciam renum et ureterum, judicium exterius-ii 2

qui interius, constituunt provinciam istius partis cerebri, ubi ejus sunt excretiones, quae in cerebro plures sunt, nempe intra piam meningem inter volumina, tum inter fibras, [eae] quae exprimuntur in processus mammillares, tum versus laminam cribrosam, et excernuntur in vivis per foramina inter meninges, et inter fasciculos fibrarum, in mortuis ea clausa sunt, quare nec succedunt: sunt quoque excretiones quae derivantur in ventriculos magnos, ubi pituitosa, cum spirituosis.


1. The Manuscript has interius, sicut

2. The Manuscript has exterius, ii

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