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《灵界经历》 第1241节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1241

1241. These spirits even bring on an anxious sensation in the abdominal area of the body, in the region of the diaphragm, causing a sense of anxiety when they are at work. The same ones also bring on similar anxieties during a person's temptations, and, when they are permitted, unbearable ones. Such anxieties I have suffered during temptation for several days, and at this moment I am also feeling them, but slightly. This anxious feeling comes from them because they have that nature. They lack the ability to stretch their thinking, and to yield to what is necessary and more useful.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1241

1241. Indeed, such spirits also induce a perceptible anxiety in the abdominal part of the body or region of the diaphragm, so that anxiety is felt when they act. They also induce like anxieties during man's temptations, and when they are permitted unbearable anxieties; I have sustained them for several days during temptation, and even now have felt them though slightly. These anxieties come from them because they are of such a nature and have no extension of thought, so as to acquiesce in more useful and necessary things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1241 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1241. Imo quoque tales anxietatem inducunt sensibilem parti abdominis corporis, seu diaphragmatis regioni, sic ut anxietas percipiatur, dum agunt; iidem quoque in tentationibus hominis similes anxietates inducunt, et dum iis permittitur, intolerabiles, quas per aliquot dies in tentatione sustinui, et nunc quoque, sed leviter, sensi; quae anxietas ab iis venit, quia tales sunt; nec iis est extensio cogitationum, ut acquiescant in utilioribus ac necessariis.

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