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《灵界经历》 第1266节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1266

1266. What stayed with him in the other life was that he especially wanted to kill innocent people, people who had done him no wrong, but good. He had longed for revenge. He was surprised that such matters were exposed after death, since he had thought no one in heaven knew about them, because no one on earth did. But he was told that while he was being tormented by pangs of conscience brought on him by spirits, they knew all about it. He could not answer, but admitted it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1266

1266. There remained with him in the other life the desire especially to destroy the innocent, namely, those who had done him no evil, but good. He had been very eager for revenge. He was surprised that such things should be disclosed after death, since he supposed that because no one on earth knew it, neither would anyone in heaven. But he was told that while he was being tormented by the stings of conscience, those spirits who were inducing such torment knew all about it. To this he could make no reply, but acknowledged it. 1748, Mar. 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 1266 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1266. Mansit id apud eum in altera vita, quod innocentes imprimis vellet interimere, qui nempe nihil ei mali egerunt, sed boni, vindictae admodum cupidus erat. Miratus quod talia post mortem detegerentur, cum putaret neminem 1

in coelo, quia nemo in terra, id sciret, sed cum ei diceretur, quod dum morsu conscientiae cruciaretur, quod tunc omnino ii spiritus id nossent, qui inducebant ei talem cruciatum, nihil respondere potuit, sed agnovit. 1748, 9 Martius.


1. sic manuscript

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