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《灵界经历》 第1270节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1270

1270. Meanwhile, he was inwardly thinking nothing else but revenge, and in fact so covertly that I saw nothing of what he was thinking. He raised up in every one his own subjects. From my mind he raised up whatever he could distort into evil and then into hatred, and so he fed himself continually. He even held the thoughts of other spirits so bound up that they could not get loose from all that he had scattered around. I noticed this in my case also, that is, that he was able to hold my inward thoughts virtually fixed and manipulate them- which is that stickiness of mucus.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1270

1270. In the meanwhile he inwardly thought about nothing else than revenge, and this so secretly that I did not perceive anything of what he was thinking. He called forth in everyone his own objects. From my "animus" he called forth that which he could pervert into evil and thus into hatred, and in this way he fed himself continually. Indeed, he held the things thought by other spirits so bound that they could not be released from the things which he had spread about. I also noticed this in myself, namely, that he could hold my interior thoughts fixed, as it were, and could bend them. This is that viscous quality of the mucus.

Experientiae Spirituales 1270 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1270. Interea nihil aliud cogitabat intus, quam vindictam, et quidem ita latenter, ut nihil perciperem, quid cogitaret, excitabat in quolibet suo 1

objecta, ex meo animo id quod in malum et sic in odium pervertere posset; et sic se pascebat continuo, imo tenebat aliorum spirituum cogitata ita vincta, ut non solvi possent ab iis, quae is dissipavit, quod in me quoque appercepi, nempe quod interiores meas cogitationes potuisset detinere quasi fixas, et flectere; quod est viscosum illud muci.


1. sic manuscript; J.F.I. Tafel's edition has sua substituit

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