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《灵界经历》 第1293节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1293


Into that same place a black spirit was let down because he could not be admitted into the other hell, perhaps for the reason that he was still lingering with spirits above. For he could not be sunk down there, so he was let down here.

But the spirits there fled away, saying that because he was black, he was a robber, who would kill them. He had the kind of mark on him that would cause them to flee from him as from a murderer, but when he told them he would not kill them, they still did not dare to remain. They would rather, as they said, relinquish their riches, which they seemed to themselves to have accumulated there, and give them up to be plundered - for they fear greatly for their lives-yet guarding lest he plunder what they have in their boxes.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1293

1293. A black spirit was sent down into this place because he could not be admitted into the other hell, perhaps for the reason that he as yet tarried among the spirits above. Since he could not be plunged into that other hell, he was therefore sent down thither. But the spirits who were there fled away, saying that he was black, and therefore a robber who would kill them. He had such a mark upon him that they fled away as from a murderer, and when he said that he would not kill them they still did not dare to remain. They would rather, as they said, leave the riches which they seemed to themselves to have accumulated there, and deliver them up to be pillaged; for they were greatly terrified for their life, but they were guarding lest he should despoil them of what they had in their coffers.

Experientiae Spirituales 1293 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1293. In eundem locum demissus 1

est spiritus niger, quia non admitti potuit in alterum infernum, forte ob causam 2

, quia adhuc moraretur supra inter spiritus, non enim demergi potuit, quare huc demissus, sed spiritus ibi fugerunt, dicentes quod ater esset, quare latro, qui eos necaret, talem notam secum habet, ut fugiant sicut homicidam, cumque iis diceret quod non eos occideret, usque non remanere ausi, potius relinquendo, ut dicebant, suas opes, quas congessisse ibi sibi visi sunt, quas diripiendas traderent-nam 3

timent valde suae vitae-sed 4

praecavendo ne diriperet quae habent in scriniis.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition et forte Manuscript dimissus

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition causas

3. The Manuscript has traderent, nam

4. The Manuscript has vitae, sed

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