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《灵界经历》 第1292节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1292

1292. About a hell deep under the feet

There is a hell of the greedy, under the feet, and in fact the worst part under the left foot, deep down, yet not under the earth like the one spoken of before [1288], but in a very low region. A kind of smoke was exhaling from it, yet not smoke only, but a steam such as arises in some localities from scraped swine that they put in a trough full of hot water to remove their hairs, as they do in some countries, like Holland. That kind of smoky steam was rising up.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1292


There is a hell, which is that of the avaricious, that is under the feet, the worst part of which is under the left foot. Although it is deep and in a very low region it is not below the earth like the other referred to above [n. 1288. A kind of smoke thence exhaled, not smoke alone, but a vapor such as frequently arises from skinned pigs which are put in a trough with hot water to take away their hair, which they do in some countries, as in Holland. Such was the smoky vapor that ascended.

Experientiae Spirituales 1292 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1292. De inferno profundo sub pedibus

Datur infernum, quod est avarorum sub pedibus, et quidem pessimum sub pede sinistro, profunde, sed non sub terra, ut alterum de quo prius [1288], sed in ima regione; fumus quidam inde exhalabat, non fumus solum, sed vapor, exsurgens, passim ex suibus excoriatis, quos ponunt in canali pilos auferunt, aqua calida, sicut in terris quibusdam, seu Hollandiae-talis 1

vapor fumeus ascendebat.


1. The Manuscript has Hollandiae, talis

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