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《灵界经历》 第1297节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1297

1297. When he was left freely in the heaven of spirits, and was even still in the company of his own hellish spirits-those who killed innocent people with poison-he spread around a poisonous atmosphere. Then whatever he did, those around him were more or less inflated by him and made to think different thoughts. Everyone lamented, also, that he was inspiring them with some of his hatred, secretly distorting their goodness into evil. His aura was such that unless he was prompted to reflect on it, he did not know that it went out from him and thus filled the realm of spirits around me, and even myself, in this way. He enjoyed this, because it magnified him, and put him in charge, so to speak.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1297

1297. Whilst he was at liberty in the heaven of spirits, and yet still in the society of his own infernals, namely, of those who killed guiltless persons by poison, he diffused a poisonous sphere, so that the spirits there were, as it were, inflated by whatever he did, causing them to think differently. They also bewailed this, for he breathed into everyone something of his own hatred, so that he secretly perverted their good into evil. His sphere was such that without reflection being given he did not know that it went forth from him and thus infilled the sphere of the spirits around me, and also myself. He was delighted with this, because in this way he also became great and, as it were, commanding.

Experientiae Spirituales 1297 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1297. Dum libere in coelo spirituum erat, et quidem usque in societate infernalium suorum, nempe qui veneno necarunt insontes, sphaeram venenatam diffudit, sic ut quicquid ageret, ab eo quasi inflati essent, ad aliud cogitandum, lamentati quoque sunt, nam inspirabat cuivis aliquid ex suo odio, sic ut clam perverteret bonum eorum in malum; sphaera ejus talis erat, ut is nesciret absque reflexione data, quod ab eo exiret, et sic impleret sphaeram spirituum circum me, et me quoque: quo delectatus, quia sic quoque magnus, et quasi imperans factus.

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