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《灵界经历》 第1300节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1300

1300. About a certain holy one

A certain person tried to live in a holy manner during his life so that people would consider him holy, and after his lifetime he would be thought a saint and would thus merit heaven. So he led a pious life, devoting much time to prayers, but it was for himself alone, and apart from that, he did not produce any fruits of charity, or contribute anything to the welfare of mankind. He looked out only for himself, not for others, thinking that to become happy in everlasting life, it is enough if each one takes care of himself. He was also examined to see whether he had done anything good to others, and it was found that he did not know what acts of true caring are. He kept saying he had lived in a holy manner, and that was enough.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1300


A certain person during his life was desirous of living in a holy manner so that he might be esteemed holy by men, and after life be regarded as a saint and so merit heaven. Therefore, he had lived a pious life spending his time in prayers, though for himself alone, but beyond this he had not performed any of the fruits of charity or done anything for the welfare of mankind. He consulted only his own welfare, and not that of others, considering that it was sufficient if every one looked after himself in order to be blessed in the life eternal. He was also examined whether he had done anything good to others and performed the works of charity. He did not know what these were, but said that he had lived in a holy manner and that was sufficient.

Experientiae Spirituales 1300 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1300. De quodam sancto

Quidam in vita sancte vivere cupiens, ex causa ut sanctus aestimaretur ab homine, et post vitam sanctus putaretur, utque sic coelum mereretur, ita 1

piam vitam egerat, precibus vacans, sed sibi soli, nec ullos praeterea fructus charitatis praestiterat, seu aliquid ad hominum salutem praestiterit, solum ut sibi consuleret, non aliis, putans quod satis esset, si quisque sibi studeat, ut fiat in vita aeterna beatus: examinatus quoque, num aliquid boni aliis praestiterit, et opera charitatis, [inventus,] quod nesciebat quid essent, dicens, quod is sancte vixerit, et id sufficeret.


1. The Manuscript has mereretur; ita

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