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《灵界经历》 第1311节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1311

1311. But hereditary evils are of various kinds. In little children, and boys and girls, they seem to be able to be tempered by goodness, just as the colors black, green, blue are tempered by light, producing the kinds of shades that are in a rainbow. It is a different matter if they go on to add evils by actual practice.

The love of self in little children born from parents of that kind, is like black, love of the world like yellow, the love of earthly things like green. These colors, however, being tempered by light take on beautiful appearances, like little children in heaven. 1748, 12 March. Those colors were seen by me faintly, and as if they were one unbroken something; so they can be moderated. It appeared as a watery, rainy atmosphere.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1311

1311. But hereditary evils are diverse. In infants and children they are such as to appear no otherwise than that they can be tempered by goods, like black, green and blue colors with light, so that there comes into existence therefrom a kind of rainbow, as it were. It is otherwise if evils are again added by actualities. In an infant born from such parents the love of self is, as it were, the black, the love of the world, as it were, the yellow, and the love of earthly things, as it were, the green. These colors induce beautiful appearances by being tempered, like infants in heaven. 1748, Mar. 12. Those colors appeared to me obscurely and as if they were something continuous so that they could be tempered. They were like a kind of aquaeous or misty atmosphere.

Experientiae Spirituales 1311 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1311. Sed haereditaria mala sunt diversa, verum talia, ut in infantibus, sic in pueris, non aliter appareant, ac quod temperari bonis queant, sicut colores nigri, virides, coerulei, cum luce, ut inde existant species quasi iridis-aliter 1

si mala iterum per actualitates adjiciuntur; amor sui in infante a parentibus talibus nato, est quasi niger, amor mundi, est quasi flavus, amor terrestrium, quasi viridis, qui tamen per temperaturas species pulchras induunt, sicut infantes in coelo. 1748, 12 Martius.

Colores isti mihi visi sunt obscure, et quasi continuum quid, sic ut temperari queant; sicut quaedam aura aquea seu nimbosa.


1. The Manuscript has iridis, aliter

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