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《灵界经历》 第1310节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1310

1310. About hereditary and actual evil

It is quite well known that the evils of parents pass over into children and grandchildren, both that we are born evil and from the seed derive an evil nature, and that the disposition of the parents is visible in the descendants. This is obvious from many characteristics, such as love of self, love of the world, love of earthly things, lust. Thus those acquired through actual practice by parents, even from the first, pass over [into descendants], if they are not reformed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1310


That the hereditary evils of parents pass over into the children and grandchildren is sufficiently well known, both from the fact that we are born evil and thus from our seed derive an evil nature, and from the fact that the animus of parents is clearly visible in their posterity as is evident from very many things, as their love of self, love of the world, love of earthly things, and lasciviousness. Thus the evils which have been acquired by parents through actualities, even from the first, pass over unless they are reformed.

Experientiae Spirituales 1310 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1310. De malo haereditario et actuali

Quod parentium mala haereditaria transcendant in liberos, ac in nepotes, satis notum est, tam quod nascamur mali, et sic ex semine trahamus naturam malam, quam quod animus parentum evidenter conspiciatur in posteris, quod ex perplurimis constat, sicut amor sui, amor mundi 1

, amor terrestrium, lascivia, sic quae per actualitates acquisita a parentibus, usque a primis transcendant, si non reformantur.


1. The Manuscript has mudi

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