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《灵界经历》 第1326节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1326

1326. But it was shown to them plainly that this is not at all the meaning of the Lord's saying, for if it were, no one at this day could be let into heaven, because now that the Churches have been established, there are no such persecutions in the world, thus neither are there martyrdoms. Besides, if only persecutions and martyrdoms would save them, no matter with what kind of faith, truth, mind, and courage they strive or hope to suffer them, then in the present centuries those especially could lay claim to heaven who suffer for their opinions, also for their heresies, as do the Quakers-indeed, some for worldly causes, among others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1326

1326. But it was clearly shown them that this is not at all the sense of the Lord's Word, for in that case no one could be admitted into heaven at this day, since there are no such persecutions in the world, thus there are no martyrdoms, the Churches having now been established. And it was further shown that if only persecutions and martyrdoms would save men without regard to the kind of faith, the kind of truth, the kind of mind, and the kind of heart from which men seek and desire to suffer such things, then those of this age who suffer for the sake of their opinions, even for heresies, and also the Quakers, might especially claim heaven for themselves; yea, even those who suffer from worldly causes, besides many other causes.

Experientiae Spirituales 1326 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1326. Sed iis clare ostensum, quod hoc prorsus non est sensus verbi Domini, sic etenim nullus hodie in coelum potuisset admitti, quia nullae tales persecutiones in mundo, Ecclesiis jam constabilitis, sic nec martyria; et praeterea, si solum persecutiones et martyria, absque respectu qua fide, qua veritate, qua mente, et quo corde, talia ambiunt vel cupiunt pati, eos salvarent, tunc his 1

saeculis imprimis vindicarent sibi coelum, qui patiuntur pro suis opinionibus, etiam pro haeresibus, sicut quoque Quakeriani, imo alii ex causis mundanis, praeter plures.


1. The Manuscript has heis ut videtur, quod forte stabit ut forma antiqua

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