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《灵界经历》 第1348节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1348

1348. They are naked men or women, some only to the navel, the lower part not appearing except like a small dark cloud, because they were lacking those qualities that are symbolized by the loins. Some of the males or females appear only dimly nude, being the ones who are better behaved. For they greet each other, then circle around, returning from behind, and when they face each other they greet one another [again]. These are the ones who are inwardly like the others, but who like to keep up an appearance, in their mind committing the same deeds, for they belong to that gang.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1348

1348. Some of them, male and female, are naked only to the navel, the lower part not then appearing except only as a small dark cloud, because they were without those things which the region of the loins signifies. Some of both sexes appear naked, but faintly; these are they who are better behaved, for they greet each other mutually, thus they go out and return at the back, and they greet each other when they meet. Inwardly they are like the others, for they are among that crew cherishing similar things in their "animus", but they want to preserve appearances.

Experientiae Spirituales 1348 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1348. Nudi vel nudae sunt, quidam modo ad umbilicum, tunc pars inferior non apparet nisi sicut obscura nubecula, quia absque talibus fuerunt, quibus pars lumbaris significatur, quidam vel quaedam apparent nudi, sed tenues; et sunt ii qui moratiores, nam salutant se invicem, sic circumeunt, et a tergo redeunt, cumque se vident salutant, ii sunt qui intus tales, sed apparentiam servare volunt, animo similia gerentes, nam inter eam turbam sunt.

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