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《灵界经历》 第1353节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1353

1353. The life of those after death who put on a holy demeanor and live wickedly

There are some who put on a holy bearing, and thus influence others because they appear holy, and yet inwardly are ravening wolves [see Matt. 7:15], and devoid of conscience. Covetously looking on their neighbor's possessions, if they are able and there is nothing to fear, by one or another pretense, trick or deception they steal them away. They also influence others, even princes and kings, in order to seize the property of others, and do so without any conscience, although they make a show of conscience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1353


There are some who profess holiness, and in this way persuade others, since they appear to be holy, when nevertheless they are "ravening wolves" and are without conscience. By some pretext or another, by artifice and deceit, they crave for their neighbor's goods, and, if possible, provided fear is absent, they carry them off; and they persuade others, including princes and kings, to plunder the goods of others in this manner. They do this without conscience although they profess to act from conscience.

Experientiae Spirituales 1353 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1353. Eorum vita post mortem, qui praeferunt sanctitatem, et sceleste agunt

Sunt quidam, qui praeferunt sanctitatem, et sic persuadent aliis, quia apparent sancti, et tamen intus sunt lupi rapaces [vide Matth. VII: 15], et absque conscientia, vario praetextu, arte, et dolo, bonis proximi inhiant, et si possunt, modo timor abest, auferunt, persuadentque aliis 1

, ut quoque principibus et regibus, ut diripiant sic aliorum bona; et hoc agunt absque conscientia, tametsi conscientiam praeferunt.


1. The Manuscript has alis

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