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《灵界经历》 第1354节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1354

1354. These spirits come craftily to the region of the left eye, by which the understanding is symbolized. They go toward the junction of the optic chambers, where the nerve of the other eye joins in, for the right eye symbolizes holiness, and there at the junction, the two join together, and in a manner not to be mentioned they join themselves and copulate. Thus joined together they go away, and sit; but later they are separated. (The way they sit joined together, and are separated, is not to be mentioned, being profane.)

Then when they have been separated, the spirit is turned upside down, and his head put into a barrel, but he is placed upright with the barrel on his head, which he struggles to take off, but in vain; and when he is set free, he is again covered by the barrel. His indignation also increases at being thus imprisoned, deprived of sight. So he is miserably punished, for with the use of his intellect he had contaminated holiness. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1354

1354. These spirits deceitfully come into the region of the left eye, by which is signified the intellectual, and they go on to the conjunction of the optic thalami, where the nerve of the left eye meets that of the right, the right eye signifying what is holy. There, at the place of juncture, the two companies join together, and they join together and copulate in a manner not to be mentioned. Thus joined together they depart and settle down, but later they are separated. (As to how they settle down joined together and are then separated, this is not to be mentioned because it is profane.) After they are separated the spirit is then inverted with head downward, and his head is thrust into a tun. He is there set upright with the tun on his head. This he labors to get off, but in vain. When he is freed he is again involved in the tun, and being thus in a prison and without sight his indignation is increased. Thus miserably is he punished, for his intellectual pollutes what is holy. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1354 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1354. Ii veniunt dolo in regionem oculi sinistri, quo significatur intellectuale, et vadunt versus conjunctionem thalamorum opticorum, ubi nervus alterius oculi concurrit, oculus enim dexter significat sanctum, ac ibi in conjunctione bini se conjungunt, et modo, non memorando, se conjungunt, et copulant, sicque abeunt juncti, et sedent; postea vero separantur (modus quomodo conjuncti sedent, et separantur, non memorandus, qui profanus), dumque 1

separati sunt, tunc invertitur capite deorsum et caput ejus in tonnam immittitur, sed erigitur cum tonna super caput, quam a se auferre allaborat, sed incassum, dumque liberatur, iterum involvitur tonnae, augetur quoque indignatio, quia 2

sic in carcere, absque visu; et sic miserabiliter punitur, nam intellectuale ejus polluit sanctum. 1748, 15 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has profanus:

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui

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