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《灵界经历》 第1357节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1357

1357. But when anything unexpected happens that suddenly upsets or moves them inwardly, then immediately such spirits are cast out from their midst. Perhaps their intention shows, or their pretense showed. In fact they are exposed on various occasions, as when some disgraceful portrayal occurs, and a spirit is cast out for causing it as if on funereal biers, and the like. So he is found out for what he is. 1748, 14 March. These things happen in various ways, for they who thus expose them are not good spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1357

1357. But when something unforeseen turns up which suddenly strikes or changes the interiors, thus if perchance his "animus" is laid open or his simulation has been made plain, the spirit is then ejected by them at once. He is exposed on various occasions, as when a certain unbecoming representation is presented, he is then suddenly ejected for making it, as if upon funeral biers, and like things. Thus his quality is recognized. 1748, Mar. 14. These things are varied because the spirits who thus expose them are not good. 1


1. This last sentence appears to have been added later.

Experientiae Spirituales 1357 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1357. At quando aliquid subitum contingit, quod interiora subito percellit, vel mutat, tunc statim ab iis ejicitur, sic forte animus ejus patet, vel patuit, quod simulatum, et quidem in variis occasionibus exponitur, ut cum 1

repraesentatio quaedam indigna existit, tunc subito is ad id faciendum ejicitur, sicut super mensas ferales, et similia, ita cognoscitur qualis est. 1748, 14 Martius. Haec variantur, quia spiritus non boni sunt qui eos sic exponunt.


1. nisi legeris cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition dum

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