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《灵界经历》 第1367节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1367

1367. But the spirits of the Lord, that is, those who are in the heavens, do not like to be called holy, so they do not call themselves holy spirit, but their holiness is the Lord Alone. For the heavens are not holy, as I believe a prophet said [Job 15:15]. Therefore, when [by] the holy spirit angels are meant, or spirits, they are not to be worshipped, much less adored, for those who speak through spirits of the lowest sort with mankind have all been people on earth and then introduced into the heavens. But Divine properties, all and each one, are the Lord's.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1367

1367. But the spirits of the Lord, that is, those who are in the heavens, do not want to be called holy, for which reason they do not say that they are the Holy Spirit, but that the Lord Alone is their holiness. For the heavens are not holy, as I think the prophet says [Job xv 15]. Therefore, when by the Holy Spirit angels or spirits are meant, they are not to be worshipped still less adored, for they all were men and thus were introduced into the heavens. They speak with men through spirits of an inferior kind, but the things that are Divine are each and all the Lord's.

Experientiae Spirituales 1367 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1367. Spiritus vero Domini, nempe qui sunt in coelis, ii non volunt, ut vocentur sancti, quare se non spiritum sanctum dicunt, sed sanctum eorum, est Solus Dominus; nam coeli non sancti sunt, ut propheta, ut autumem, dicit [Hiob XV: 15], quare spiritus sanctus, cum intelliguntur angeli, aut spiritus, non colendi, minus adorandi, nam omnes homines fuerunt, et sic in coelos introducti, qui per spiritus inferioris sortis cum hominibus loquuntur, sed quae Divina sunt, omnia et singula sunt Domini.

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