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《灵界经历》 第1374节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1374

1374. The one who had been wrapped up, having become accustomed to injuries and persecutions in his lifetime (because he had then been content that it was granted him to endure them) seemed because of this acquired character trait to be calming down, which he said was his doing. Moreover he was made to speak a great deal, so as to find out what effect that punishment had on him, whether he would say that he could endure it. He was also made to say that there was nothing in him but what is filthy and devilish.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1374

1374. Because the spirit who was enfolded in the veil had suffered ills and persecutions during his life, and had then been content that it was given him to bear them, by virtue of the disposition thence derived his "animus" seemed to be tranquil. This he told me. He was, moreover, induced to say many things, so that it might be known what effect that punishment would have - whether he would say that he could bear it. He was also compelled to say that in himself he is nothing but what is filthy and diabolic.

Experientiae Spirituales 1374 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1374. Qui involutus erat, quia assuetus erat malis et persecutionibus in vita sua, quia tunc contentus erat, quod ei dabatur, ut sustineret eas, ex tracta inde indole, quiescere animo videbatur, quod ejus {a} ajebat, ac praeterea multa loqui inductus est, ut sciretur quem effectum haberet poena ista, num diceret, quod eam sustinere posset: erat quoque adactus dicere, quod in se nihil aliud sit, quam spurcum et diabolicum.

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