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《灵界经历》 第1377节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1377

1377. The same spirit says that he wants to stop,

but still he cannot

The same one who endured that punishment has said several times that he wanted to stop, and I also noticed that when he was afraid, he did want to. But because the thought clings to him that he is unable, therefore, so that he might indeed be able to stop-just as he is able to understand that this [conceit] is wicked-he is being compelled by punishments. These or similar punishments were said to have been inflicted on him now ten times. I saw this same spirit under a veil before [1373]. But still he continues. It is now 17 centuries that he has been like this, being among those toward the front regions at the level of the left eye, who hate inward and very inward truths. He is different in one respect, namely, that being conceited and thinking himself to possess great powers [of discernment], he would acknowledge those truths if he could think that they originated from himself. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1377


The same spirit who suffered that punishment [n. 1373 ], sometimes said that he wanted to desist, and it was indeed perceived that he did want to when in a state of fear, but he could not because [the evil] adheres to him. Therefore, since he could understand that such a state of elation is most wicked, he was being compelled by means of punishments in order to enable him to desist. These and similar punishments were said already to have been inflicted upon him ten times. I have seen the same spirit under the veil before, but he still carries on; it is now for seventeen centuries that he has been like this. He is among those in the plane of the left eye towards the front who hate interior and more interior verities, but in his case there is this difference, that because he has an elated mind and supposes that he excels by his great powers, he would acknowledge those verities if he could think that they proceeded from himself. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1377 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1377. De eodem, quod dicat se velle desistere, sed usque quod non possit

Idem qui sustinuit poenam istam, aliquoties dixit, quod vellet desistere, imo etiam in timore percipiebatur, quod vellet, sed quia inhaeret, quod non possit, ideo, ut quoque posset, sicut is potest intelligere, quod tale facinorosum sit, ideo ut quoque posset, per poenas cogeretur; tales seu similes poenae ei inflictae dicebantur nunc decies, vidi prius eundem sub velo [1373], sed usque instat; nunc sunt 17 saecula, quod talis fuerat, est inter eos qui versus anteriora in plano sinistri oculi sunt, qui veritates interiores intimiores odio habent, sed is cum discrimine-quia 1

animo elato est, et magnis viribus se pollere putat-quod 2

veritates istas agnosceret, si putare posset, quod ex eo proficiscerentur. 1748, 15 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has discrimine, quia

2. The Manuscript has putat, quod

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