1383. At the right side of the swamp, on the right shore, are those who with cruel tools kill one another: with tools - they should not be called weapons, but various objects matching the fierce imaginings of their heart. With these they seem to wound and kill one another.
1383. At the right side of that lake, that is, on its right bank, are they who kill one another in turn with cruel instruments. These instruments, which are not to be called weapons, vary according to the fierceness of their hearts. Thus they seem to wound and to kill each other.
1383. Ad dextrum latus stagni, seu ripam dextram sunt ii qui instrumentis crudelibus interficiunt se invicem; instrumentis-non 1
dicenda sunt arma, sed secundum diritates cordis eorum, varia-ita 2
vulnerare, et semet interficere videntur.
1. The Manuscript has instrumentis, non ubi in J.F.I. Tafel's edition instrumenta, non
2. The Manuscript has varia, ita