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《灵界经历》 第1394节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1394

1394. The spiritual is in what is earthly, and the earthly appears as nothing

This can be corroborated by many things, so here by only this one example: spoken words all consist of earthly components, so that speech is earthly. But the meaning of the speech is spiritual, or can be; and, of course, the meaning is noticed and not at all the words. So words, like bodily elements, are only tools, thus nothing.

The same applies to a loftier meaning, that is, if there are several meanings by which a yet deeper meaning is shaped. If [deeper meanings] are denoted by their own words or symbolized by signs, then their meaning is spiritual, and those component signs or words-that is, the composite mental images of that meaning-are nothing. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1394


This can be evident from many things, as from this one example. The words of speech are all from natural things, thus speech is natural. But the sense of the speech is - or can be - spiritual, and the sense being perceived, the words become nothing; thus the words or the corporeal things should be only instrumental and of no account. There is also a deeper sense. Thus if there are many meanings which are denoted by their own words, or signified by signs, and a more interior meaning is formed therefrom, then their sense is spiritual, and the signs or composite expressions, that is, composite ideas, called their meaning, are of no account. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1394 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1394. Quod spirituale in naturali sit, et naturale appareat ut nihil

Ex multis hoc constare potest, ut modo hic ab uno exemplo, voces loquelae sunt omnes ex naturalibus, ita loquela est naturalis, at sensus loquelae est spiritualis, seu esse potest, et quidem sensus percipitur, et voces nihil, sic erunt voces seu corporea, solum instrumenta, ac nihili; tum sublimior sensus [similiter], nempe si sensus sint plures, et inde formatur adhuc sensus interior, ut si sensus illis suis vocibus insigniuntur, aut notis significantur, tunc sensus eorum est spiritualis, et notae istae seu voces compositae, h.e. ideae compositae, dicti sensus, sunt nihil. 1748, 15 Martius.

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