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《灵界经历》 第1400节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1400

1400. It is the same as if one knew nothing more than that there is an earth, but did not know about its kingdoms, its governments, its societies; then one does not know what the earth is. It is from the knowledge of what is on the earth that a person knows what the earth is.

It is the same in other cases. If, for example, one knows that man is equipped with a body, but does not know what is in the body, then one knows nothing at all. But when we look into it and see the wonders it contains, then we become aware of its countless different parts. In like manner, when we only know that we are able to think, then we know nothing; but when we learn that there are innumerable things [involved in the thinking process] that can never be encompassed by any science, only then are we beginning to know [something]. If I only know that such and such a science exists, and nothing more, then I know nothing; but when I learn the science, then I begin to know that there is nothing that does not contain what is beyond number.

Or if one says "the whole world" without knowing what is in the world, one knows nothing. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1400

1400. In like manner, also, if man knows nothing more than that there is an earth, and knows nothing of its kingdoms, governments and societies, then he does not know what the earth is; from a knowledge of what is on the earth man learns what it is like. It is the same in other cases. For example, man is provided with a body, and if he does not know what is in that body, he then knows nothing about it; but when he looks into it and sees the marvelous things therein, he is then aware of its indefinite varieties. So likewise, if he only knows that he is able to think, he then knows nothing; but when he learns that there are indefinite things which he can never comprehend by any science, he then first begins to know [what thought is]. If he only knows that there is a certain science, and nothing more, he then knows nothing; but when he learns that science, he then begins to understand that there is nothing in which there are not indefinite things. So if he should speak of the entire world and not know what is in it, he knows nothing. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1400 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1400. Similiter ac si homo nihil magis scit, quam quod tellus sit, nec scit regna, et regimina, societates, tunc quid terra nescit, ex cognitione eorum quae in terra noscit homo qualis sit; similiter in reliquis, ut [si scit] quod homo sit corpore praeditus, et nescit quid in corpore, tunc nihil scit, at quum introspicit, et videt mirabilia, sic indefinitas varietates appercipit; similiter cum modo scit, quod cogitare possit, tunc nihil scit, at quum novit, quod indefinita, quae nusquam aliqua scientia comprehendere possit, tunc primum incipit noscere 1

. Si modo novit quod talis scientia sit, et praeterea nihil, tunc nihil novit, at cum scientiam novit, tunc scire incipit, quod nihil sit, in quo non indefinitum quid. Ut si universum mundum'' dicit, nec novit quid in mundo, nihil novit. 1748, 15 Martius.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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