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《灵界经历》 第1417节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1417

1417. In short, because they did not want to pay attention to the grosser bodily, worldly and material things, I was brought to perceive they were from a different planet. Then after that, [I realized it] also from the fact that they paid no attention to the [spiritual and heavenly] matters portrayed by those bodily and worldly things, as the people of the ancient Church did-so neither were they from the ancient Church - but only wanted to obtain, apart from such things, deeper knowledge of real events, which they enjoyed. This also explains their facility.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1417

1417. In a word, from the fact that they were unwilling to attend to the grosser corporeal, worldly, and material things, it was given me to perceive that they were from another earth. Afterwards, from the circumstance that they did not attend to what was represented by such corporeal and worldly things, as did the men of the ancient Church, I perceived that they were not of the ancient Church. They only wanted to grasp the cognitions of things separated from corporeal and worldly things, and were delighted thereby. Hence was their readiness.

Experientiae Spirituales 1417 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1417. Verbo ex eo quod non attendere vellent ad corporea, mundana, ac materialia crassiora, percipere mihi datum est, quod ex alia tellure essent; tum quoque postea, ex iis, quod non attenderent ad res, quae repraesentantur per talia, nempe corporea et mundana, sicut antiquae Ecclesiae homines, quare nec ab antiqua Ecclesia fuerunt, sed solum cognitiones rerum separatarum a talibus voluerunt capere, quibus delectabantur, inde quoque eorum promptitudo.

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