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《灵界经历》 第142节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 142

142. The speech of spirits with people on earth is in their own vernacular, or in other languages which the person is practiced in, not in their own, which they do not know at all. They prefer familiar and clear words that obviously follow from their mental images falling into words. They are not heard by anyone but the person being spoken with, even in the midst of company. See Speech. [Speak, Speech; Words, Expressions; Mental image; Language]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 142


The speech of spirits with man is not in their own language, of which they are entirely ignorant, but in the man's native language, or in other languages with which he is familiar. The words are chosen by them, and being familiar and clear, are pleasing to them; they follow at once from the ideas of their thought which fall into the words. They are heard by no one except by him with whom the speech is, even though he be in the midst of company. (Idea, Lingua, Loqui, Vox.)

Experientiae Spirituales 142 (original Latin 1748-1764)

142. Quod loquela spirituum cum homine sit in ejus vernacula, aut aliis linguis, quas callet homo, non in eorum quas prorsus ignorant. Voces familiares et clarae iis placent quae sequuntur prompte ex ideis eorum cogitationis, et labuntur in voces, nec ulli audiuntur, nisi ei, cum quo sermo etiam in mediis consortiis, n. 142. [Loqui, Loquela]

Loquela spirituum fit in hominis vernacula, aliisque linguis, quas homo callet, non in suis, quas ignorant; voces iis electae, sed familiares et clarae, quae sequuntur prompte ex ideis eorum cogitationis, quae labuntur in voces: nulli audiuntur nisi ei cum quo sermo est, etiam in mediis consortiis, n. 142. [Vox]

Quod loquela spirituum sit in hominis vernacula aliisque linguis, quas homo callet, suas ignorant; voces iis electae 1

, sed familiares, et clarae, quae sequuntur ex ideis eorum cogitationis, quae labuntur in voces, n. 142. [Idea]

Loquela spirituum fit in hominis vernacula, aliisque linguis, quas homo callet, non in suis, quas ignorant, n.142, vide Loquela. [Lingua]


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript electa

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