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《灵界经历》 第1428节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1428

1428. When I spoke with them through inner sensation, they perceived more than I did, and I told them by inward sensation that such [opposites] must absolutely exist, because the Lord has arranged and arranges everything in this way, so that nothing whatever is lacking, and no more perfect order is possible, and that thus this was necessary so that people may live - and this I expressed more fully than I have done here, because inward sensation brings with it this ability. Then they said that to know only this is enough, and they were amazed, because this came from the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1428

1428. When I spoke with them by means of an internal sense, they perceived more things than I did. By an interior sense I said that such things must by all means come into existence, because the Lord has so disposed, and does dispose, all things that nothing is ever lacking, and nothing more perfect is possible, and thus that this is a necessity in order that man may live. When I said this, and said it more fully than is here expressed because the interior sense has this quality in itself, they then said that it is sufficient only to know this. Thus they were astonished because this comes from the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 1428 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1428. Cum per sensum internum loquerer cum iis, ii percipiebant plura quam ego, dumque id dicerem interiore sensu, quod omnino existere debeant talia, quia Dominus omnia sic disposuit, et disponit, ut nihil usquam desit, et nihil perfectius dari possit, et sic quod id necessarium esset, ut vivant homines-et 1

plenius quam hic exprimitur, quia sensus interior hoc secum habet-tunc 2

dixerunt, quod solum hoc nosse, satis sit, ita admirati, quia a Domino illud venit.


1. The Manuscript has homines, et

2. The Manuscript has habet, tunc

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