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《灵界经历》 第1429节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1429

1429. Likewise, I suggested to them the question whether they try to make any use of their deeper knowledge, for just to enjoy knowledge is not enough. Knowledge looks to uses, and uses look to purposes, and so forth. In knowledge alone, there is no use to them if they stop there, but to others. From deeper knowledge, we ought to think, which they are able to do, but then we ought to make use of it.

But they still kept saying that they delight in higher knowledge, and that this is a use.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1429

1429. I then likewise suggested the question whether they did not want to make some use of their cognitions, since only to be delighted with them is not sufficient, for cognitions regard uses and uses regard ends, and so forth. From cognitions alone, if they merely remain in them, they derive no use, but they are of use to others; we ought to think from them, or of the use that can be performed by them. But those spirits still said that they are delighted with the cognitions, and that that is of use.

Experientiae Spirituales 1429 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1429. Similiter iis insinuabam, annon ex cognitionibus suis aliquem usum facere velint, nam delectari solum cognitionibus non satis est, cognitiones spectant usus, et usus fines, et sic porro, ex solis cognitionibus, non iis est usus, sed aliis, si modo in cognitionibus subsisterent; ex iis debemus cogitare, quod possunt, sed inde usum facere; sed usque dicebant, quod delectentur ex cognitionibus, et quod id usus sit.

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