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《灵界经历》 第1435节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1435

1435. The spirits of our earth are also curious, and want to know many things, but especially earthly and material ones. But they are restored by the Lord to a condition in which they may be aware of, and long for, the interacting inward qualities. Therefore, the spirits of our earth are grosser, slower, and polluted by bodily passions. These must be purged before they are able to grasp inward [truths] - and completely purged, so that they turn away from them and they become as nothing, before they can find delight in inward matters. The spirits of our earth therefore especially make up the provinces of the outward bodily parts. 1748, 16 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1435

1435. The spirits of our earth are also curious and eager to know many things, especially terrestrial and material things, but they are brought by the Lord to learn the corresponding interior things, and to desire them. Hence the spirits of our earth are grosser, slower, and defiled with corporeal cupidities which must be vastated before they can grasp interior things; and they must be completely vastated to the extent that they are averse to them as things of no account, before they can be delighted with these interiors. The spirits of our earth, therefore, especially constitute the provinces of the exterior members of the body. 1748, Mar. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1435 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1435. Spiritus nostrae telluris, quoque curiosi sunt, et nosse multa cupiunt, sed imprimis terrestria et materialia, sed rediguntur a Domino, ut interiora correspondentia sciant, et desiderent, quare spiritus nostrae telluris crassiores sunt, lentiores, et cupiditatibus corporeis polluti, quae vastandae sunt, antequam capere possint interiora, et plane vastandae, ut eas aversentur, ut nihili sint, antequam interioribus delectentur: spiritus nostri telluris ideo imprimis constituunt provincias membrorum corporis exteriorum. 1748, 16 Martius.

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