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《灵界经历》 第1434节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1434

1434. This kind of spirit differs entirely from those who arouse from outward things the inward qualities with which they interact, which is the characteristic angels of our earth especially have in common. For people of this earth are mainly absorbed in bodily, earthly, worldly and material concerns, and when they become angels, they arouse the interacting inward qualities, but now caring nothing for outer ones.

The spirits of the planet Mercury are not like this, but care only for what is associated or joined [to the outward quality], namely, whatever normally sticks to the memory of places, such as what a person did while he was there. And they said they do not take pleasure in inward qualities brought forth from material ones, but in realities bared of their sheath; for they do not like to look at the sheath. 1748, 16 March.

Such cannot exist on our earth, because here all love and had loved the outer, material things. Therefore spirits of our earth cannot be with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1434

1434. Spirits of this type are entirely different from those who from exteriors bring forth interior things, being those which correspond. This is especially common with the angels of this earth; for the men of this earth more than others are in things corporeal, terrestrial, mundane, and material, and when they become angels they then bring forth the corresponding interiors, thus caring nothing for the externals. The spirits of the planet Mercury are not such, but care only for those things which adhere or have been adjoined [to externals], such as what a man has done when he was at a certain place, that is to say, for such things as are usually connected with the memory of places. They say that they are not delighted with the interiors thus drawn forth from material things, like things drawn forth from their covering, for they do not want to look at the covering. 1748, Mar. 16. Those on our earth cannot be of such a nature because all here love, and have loved, things that are external and material, for which reason the spirits of our earth cannot be with those of Mercury.

Experientiae Spirituales 1434 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1434. Hoc genus spirituum differt prorsus ab iis, qui excitant 1

interiora ab exterioribus, sicut ea quae correspondent, quod angelorum hujus telluris imprimis est commune, nam homines hujus telluris imprimis in corporeis, terrestribus, mundanis 2

, et materialibus sunt, cumque fiunt angeli, tunc interiora correspondentia excitant, sic nihil curantes externa; tales non sunt spiritus planetae Mercurii, sed solum ea [curant], quae adhaerent seu adjuncta sunt, sicut quid egerit homo, cum ibi esset, nempe similia quae solent adesse memoriae locorum; nec delectari se dicebant interioribus ita productis a materialibus, sic rebus 3

a sua vagina {a}; nam vaginam non volunt spectare; 1748, 16 Martius: tales dari non possunt in nostra tellure, quia amant, et amarunt hic omnes, ea quae externa et materialia sunt, quare spiritus nostri {b} telluris cum iis esse nequeunt.


1. The Manuscript has excitantant

2. The Manuscript has mundaneis

3. The Manuscript has res

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