144. Another bond [see 23] is that many spirits are not able to think and act differently from each other. Sometimes this happens when they are under some leader. In this way, one is controlled by another, and many by one. [Leader; Society; Bond]
144. There is also a bond. The many cannot think and act otherwise than as does each one sometimes under a certain leader. Thus, one is restrained by the other, and the many by the one. (Dux, Societas, Vinculum.)
144. 1
Vinculum quoque est, quod plures spiritus non aliter cogitare et agere possint, quam unusquisque, quandoque sub duce quodam, sic unus coercetur ab altero, et plures ab uno, n. 144. [Dux Societas]
Vinculum est quoque, quod plures non aliter cogitare et agere possint, quam unusquisque, quandoque sub duce quodam, sic unus coercetur ab altero, et plures ab uno, n. 144. [Vinculum]
1. vide annotationem 1