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《灵界经历》 第1446节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1446

1446. They were asked whether they knew the Lord. Did they know that a spiritual knowledge was promised to them which was greater than all the deeper knowledge they possess. That something was promised, they knew, and they were still in doubt as to whether this was it. They were shown something like a Sun, but they said this was not the Lord, because they did not see a face. But here the questioning stopped, nor can inward sensation, which loves knowledge by itself, explore any further, so they busied themselves with those who were from the planet Venus.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1446

1446. They were asked whether they knew the Lord. Did they not know that this cognition which was greater than all the cognitions they possessed had been promised to them? That there had been a promise they did know, but they were as yet in doubt whether it was this. There was shown them the likeness as if of the Sun; but they said that this was not the Lord because they saw no face. Here the inquiry ceased, nor can interior sensation, which loves bare cognitions, recognize anything further. Therefore they applied themselves to those who were of the planet Venus.

Experientiae Spirituales 1446 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1446. Interrogabantur, num nossent Dominum, anne scirent, quod iis promissa esset cognitio, quae major esset omnibus cognitionibus, quas habent; quod promissum sit, noverant, et num hoc esset, adhuc dubitabant; ostensum 1

iis est quasi Solis instar, sed dicebant, quod hoc non esset Dominus, quia faciem non viderent; sed hic substitit inquisitio, nec sensus interior, qui nudas cognitiones amat, ulterius potest cognoscere, quare adplicati sunt iis, qui ex tellure Veneris essent.


1. The Manuscript has ostensus ut apparet

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