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《灵界经历》 第1447节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1447

1447. Those are really narrow-minded, and if I may say so, foolish, who imagine that the whole Heaven of spirits and angels consists only of spirits from this, our earth, when yet here there are so few, considering the Omnipotence of the Lord, that they are as if nothing at all. And if there were myriads of solar systems, with myriads of planets, they are still nothing. They are also insane who deny this because the Lord became an earthly human here on our planet, and suffered, thinking that only this planet knew Him, when yet all the planets in the universe acknowledge Him Alone.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1447

1447. Those who suppose that the entire heaven of spirits and angels is established only from the spirits of our earth are surely men of very slight discernment, and as I may say, foolish, since here there are so few in respect to the omnipotence of the Lord as to be, as it were, altogether nothing. If there were myriads of solar systems and myriads of earths, they would still be nothing. They who deny this for the reason that the Lord became Man and suffered here on our earth, and therefore suppose that only this earth has known Him, are also insane, since all the earths in the Universe acknowledge Him alone.

Experientiae Spirituales 1447 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1447. Sane pusilli ingenii, ac ut ita dicam fatui sunt, qui putant Coelum universum spirituum et angelorum, solum ex hujus nostrae telluris 1

spiritibus constare, cum hic sint tam pauci, respectu Omnipotentiae Domini, ut prorsus quasi nihil sint, et si myriades mundorum, et myriades tellurum, usque nihil sunt; insani etiam, qui negant, ex causa, quod Dominus hic in nostra tellure homo factus sit, et passus, ac ideo [putant] quod sola haec tellus, Ipsum nosset, cum omnes in universo tellures Ipsum Solum agnoscunt.


1. In the Manuscript auctor nostra tellure in nostrae telluris emendavit, sed omisit hac in hujus corrigere

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