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《灵界经历》 第1451节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1451

1451. Some spirits of the inhabitants of the planet Venus who are from this side spoke with me, and they said they were definitely only goatherds, having only cattle with large horns. When I depicted sheep to them, they said they did not have them, but when goats were pictured, they said they did, and that they were herdsmen of these (so they wanted to be called). They do know of larger varieties, but do not have them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1451

1451. Spirits of the inhabitants of the planet Venus, who were from this side, spoke with me mostly. They said for certain that they were only goat-herds. The only cattle they have are not endowed with large horns. When sheep were represented to them, they said they did not have such animals; but when goats were represented they said that they had them and they were their herdsmen (as they wanted to be called). They indeed know of larger varieties, but they do not have such.

Experientiae Spirituales 1451 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1451. Spiritus incolarum telluris Veneris, qui ab hac parte, loquuti sunt, partim mecum, et dicebant pro certo, quod solum pastores caprarum essent, pecudes cornibus non magnis praeditas solum habent; cum repraesentarentur iis oves, dicebant, quod tales non habuerint, sed cum repraesentarentur caprae, eas dicebant, quarum bubulci essent (ita vocari volunt 1

), majores, quidem sciunt, sed tales non habent.


1. superpositum supra majores, quidem in the Manuscript

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