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《灵界经历》 第1463节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1463

1463. That some who place all emphasis on the literal meaning very much deceive themselves, can be clear from just one example that I also discussed with spirits and angels [see Matt. 19:28, Luke 22:30]. As for the tribes, 10 had been dispersed at that time. How were they going to judge them? That they would sit on thrones does not make sense. The apostles were simple people and did not even understand when they were with the Lord what the Kingdom of God is. They could not judge even one person or soul, as was also proven. The Word of both Testaments is full of other, similar statements.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1463

1463. How greatly those who insist upon the literal sense deceive themselves can be evident from just one example concerning which I have also spoken with spirits and angels, namely, that the 12 Apostles were to sit upon 12 thrones to judge the 12 tribes of Israel. Seeing that 10 of the tribes were at that time dispersed, how were they to be judged? That they should sit upon thrones does not agree with the fact that even when they were with the Lord the Apostles, who were simple men, did not understand what the Kingdom of God is; wherefore they cannot judge even a single man or soul. This also was affirmed. There are other similar things of which the Word in both Testaments is full.

Experientiae Spirituales 1463 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1463. Quod sensum literalem quidam prementes quam maxime semet decipiant, constare potest solum x unico exemplo, de quo cum spiritibus et angelis quoque loquutus sum [cf. 1321-1324], nempe quod 12 apostoli sederent judicaturi 12 tribus Israelis super 12 thronis [Matth. XIX: 28, Luc. XXII: 30]; quod tribus attinet, erant 10 dispersae eo tempore; quomodo eas judicaturi? quod super thronis sederent, hoc non concordat, [h.e.] quod apostoli [id facerent], qui simplices homines [erant], nec intellexerunt quidem cum essent apud Dominum quid Regnum Dei; cum ii ne unum quidem hominem seu animam judicare possint, quod etiam affirmatum est. Praeter similia, quibus plenum est Verbum utriusque testamenti.

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