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《灵界经历》 第1464节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1464

1464. I also spoke about those in the world who will say nothing else than that they have the Word, and there is no need for a revelation, thus rejecting these things, which come descending from heaven. And yet they treat of the genuine meaning of the Word, and what faith is, and besides these also many particulars about the condition of those in the other life.

The Word in its lowest or literal meaning simply mentions hell and heaven, that there is damnation in hell, and happiness in the heavens, and yet there are countlessly many facts regarding each of them. This objection, therefore, that they have enough from things [already] revealed, is utterly invalid. For it is also a familiar fact that everyone, sticking only to the letter, can take and interpret things from the Word according to their own mind, explaining it as they please in some inward meaning. This is abundantly evident. 1748, 17 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1464

1464. I also spoke concerning those in the world who will simply say that they have the Word and have no need for a [new] 1revelation, thus rejecting these things which come out of heaven and descend; when nevertheless it here treats of the genuine sense and understanding of the Word and the quality of faith, and many further things which specifically concern the state of those in the other life. For the Word in the ultimate or literal sense simply mentions hell and heaven, with damnation in hell, and felicity in heaven, and yet there are indefinite things in both the one and the other; wherefore the objection that they may have this knowledge only from things revealed is of no avail. For it is also well known that anyone is able to take something from the Word and interpret it according to his own opinions, as long as he adheres to the letter only; and he explains it as he chooses in the interior sense, as can be evident from many things. 1748, Mar. 17.


1. In the Index (s.v. Verbum), the word "new" is used at this reference.

Experientiae Spirituales 1464 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1464. Loquutus etiam sum de iis in mundo, qui non aliter dicturi, quam quod habeant Verbum, nec opus esse revelatione, sic rejiciendo haec, quae e coelo veniunt, et descendunt, cum tamen hic agitur de genuino sensu et intellectu Verbi, et qualis fides sit, et praeterea quoque plura specifice de statu eorum qui in altera vita, nam Verbum simpliciter in sensu ultimo seu literali memorat infernum et coelum, cum damnatione in inferno, et felicitate in coelis, et usque indefinita sunt, quae utrobivis; ideo, talis objectio, quod satis habeant ex revelatis, nihil valet; cum quoque notum sit, quod nullus non ex Verbo assumere et interpretari queat secundum suos animos, dum haerent modo in litera, et eam explicant secundum lubitum in sensu interiori, ut multis constare potest. 1748, 17 Martius.

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