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《灵界经历》 第1471节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1471

1471. In this way they understand what the fruit of faith is, that is, they understand that affection or love is life, and therefore embraces everything of faith based on understanding (the idea of which then passes away), and thus everything in the will (the idea of which then passes away), and finally in the action, which is the fruit of faith (and then the idea of action passes away). Then there is only affection in its own forms of expression, or rather, there is affection alone, for they will not let form, or the term "form," enter. They understand only this, that understanding, will and action is affection alone, and if they are so portrayed, the idea of understanding, and then of will, and then of action, passes away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1471

1471. In like manner they understand what the fruit of faith is, namely, that affection or love is life, and thus is within intellectual faith, the idea of which faith then ceases; and so it is within the will, the idea of which also ceases; and at length in the action which is the fruit of faith. Thus the idea of action is the complex of all, but it is only affection in its forms, or rather, it is only affection. They do not admit form, or an expression relating to form, but only that understanding, will, and action are solely affection. This they understand, if it is so represented that the idea of understanding, and so of will, and thus of action, perishes.

Experientiae Spirituales 1471 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1471. Proinde [intelligitur] quid fructus fidei, nempe quod affectio seu amor sit vita, et sic [quod] in fide intellectuali, cujus idea sic perit, ac ita in voluntate, cujus sic idea perit, et tandem in actione, quae est fructus fidei-et 1

sic [perit] actionis idea[affectio] sit 2

complexus omnium, sed solum affectio sic in suis formis, aut potius quod sola sit affectio; formam seu formae vocem nec admittunt: modo quod intellectus, voluntas et actio, sit sola affectio, hoc intelligunt, sique [modo] ita repraesentantur, quod pereat idea intellectus, et sic voluntatis, et sic actionis.


1. The Manuscript has fidei, et

2. The Manuscript has actionis idea, sit

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