1476. The angels also, by the power of the Lord Alone, discern the quality of a fruit of faith. For there are varieties of those fruits there, comparable to the kinds of fruits on earth, such as apples, grapes, figs, almonds, and the like.
1476. From the Lord alone the angels also perceive the quality of the fruit of faith, for there are varieties of it which may be compared with the various fruits on earth, as apples, grapes, figs, almonds, and the like.
1476. Angeli quoque, ex Domino Solo, percipiunt qualis est fructus fidei, sunt enim varietates ejus, quae comparantur variis fructibus in terris, sicut pomis, uvis, ficubus, amygdalis 1
, et similibus.
1. The Manuscript has amydalis