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《灵界经历》 第1495节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1495

1495. There is a place to the left of Gehenna, which also extends down under Gehenna, depending on the gravity of the punishments [to be inflicted], where there are nothing but dreadful, huge snakes, with wide bellies.

Below Gehenna are the punishments of those who likewise breathe forth vengeance even to the point of murdering people's souls and cursing them to hell; for this is a very dreadful thing. Whatever another's religion is like, when one person feels differently from others one should never curse anyone to hell, for this vents the cruelest revenge, and therefore [results in] the cruelest punishment. The Lord loves all, whoever they may be in the world, for He has freed mankind from hell. Therefore, to exercise such hatred against a human being as to curse them to hell brings with it the punishment of being brought down under Gehenna-especially when they vent hatreds and revenge for worldly reasons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1495

1495. There is a place at the left of Gehenna, which also extends beneath it according to the gravity of the punishments, where there are nothing but great dreadful serpents with capacious bellies. The punishments of those who thus breathe vengefulness, even to the utter destruction of the souls of men thus condemning them to hell, takes place beneath Gehenna. For this is a most dreadful thing. Whatever a person's religion may be a man nevertheless should never condemn anyone to hell because he dissents from others, for this breathes the most atrocious revenge, and thus brings the most atrocious punishment. The Lord loves all men in the world, whosoever they be, for He has delivered them from hell. Therefore to exercise such hatred against men as to condemn them to hell, especially when this hatred and revenge are inspired from worldly causes, brings with it such a punishment that they are carried away under Gehenna.

Experientiae Spirituales 1495 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1495. Est locus ad sinistrum Gehennae, qui se extendit quoque sub Gehennam, secundem suppliciorum gravitatem, ubi sunt modo serpentes diri, magni, ventribus amplis, sub Gehenna supplicia sunt eorum, qui similiter vindictam spirant usque interimendo hominum animas, et sic in infernum devovendo, nam hoc dirissimum est; qualiscunque hominis religio est, usque tamen nusque {a} homo, quando 1

dissentit ab aliis, devovere aliquem in infernum debet, nam hoc spirat atrocissimam vindictam, et sic atrocissimum supplicium; Dominus amat omnes 2

, quicunque sunt in mundo, nam liberavit homines ab inferno, quare tale odium exercere contra hominem, ut devoveant eos 3

inferno, tale supplicium secum fert, ut infernantur sub Gehennam, cumprimis quando odia, et vindictam, ex causis mundanis spirent.


1. The Manuscript has quod

2. The Manuscript has ommnes vel ommne,

3. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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