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《灵界经历》 第1499节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1499

1499. How many I have been with, known to me in life

I calculated the number of those I have spoken with who had been known to me in their bodily life to exceed 30, so that there are more than 30, at the least - for I could not recall all of them. With some I spoke for days, with others for weeks, with two for almost two months. And I also conversed with them about domestic matters, among many other subjects, exactly as people on earth talk together. We also spoke of events after their death, and the like. 1748, 18 March. I can now increase the number to 60. 1748, 24 Sept. 1


1. This last sentence was written a half year later, while the author was working on the index.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1499


I have computed the number of those with whom I have conversed, whom I had known during their bodily life, to exceed 30, so that there are more than 30 at the least, for I could not recall them all. With some I have conversed for days, with others for weeks, with two for about two months. I have also spoken with them about domestic affairs during their life, and about very many other things, altogether as man with man: and also concerning things that have happened since their death, and about very many like things. 1748, Mar. 18.

I can now increase the number to 60. 1748, Sept. 24. 1


1. This sentence was added when Swedenborg was compiling the Index.

Experientiae Spirituales 1499 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1499. Cum quot notis in vita fuerim

Ad calculum reduxi 1

eos quibus loquutus sum, quos notos habui in vita corporis, excedunt 30, sic ut sint ultra 30, ad minumum, nam omnium non recordari potui; cum quibusdam per dies, cum aliis per septimanas, cum binis per menses circiter binos, et quoque cum iis de rebus domesticis in vita loquutus, et perplura, plane sicut homo cum homine, tum quae acta sunt post mortem eorum, et perplura similia. 1748, 18 Martius. Nunc possum augere ad 60. 1748, 24 Sept.


1. In the Manuscript reducere imperfecte in reduxi emendatum

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