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《灵界经历》 第151节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 151

151. About the Jews, what they are like

Just as they were described by Jeremiah, so the Jews indeed are in the other life; their character exactly matches the description. This was shown to me by much experience, for very many of them who, by God the Messiah's Divine Mercy, were round about me, spoke with me after having been let into torments. But they were still insane, so there seems to be hardly any remedy for them except, as I told them, to be woodcutters and water carriers, like the people spoken of in the Book of Joshua [9:27]. 1747, the 12th of October (old calendar).

There was one who was with me for a while who could still grasp more inward matters, and was quite amazed (I was told that he was Nicodemus). He was able to understand that they were true, but, after staying and conversing with me for some time, either he withdrew, or else was amongst the spirits who are not speaking. The 11th day of October, 1747 (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 151


The Jews in the other life are such as they are described by Jeremiah; that their nature is completely in agreement with that description has been shown to me by much experience. For of the Divine mercy of God Messiah very many of them were around me, and spoke with me after having been let into torments. But they were still insane, so that there was almost no remedy for them, unless, as I told them, they might be "hewers of wood and drawers of water", like those spoken of in the Book of Joshua [Joshua 9:27]. 1747, Oct. 12, o.s.

There was one who was with me for some time who could still perceive more interior things, and he was greatly astonished. It was told me that he was Nicodemus, and he could understand that these things were true. But after staying and conversing with me for a time, he either receded, or he was among those who do not speak. Oct. 11, o.s., 1747.

Experientiae Spirituales 151 (original Latin 1748-1764)

151. De Judaeis, quales sunt

Sicut descripti sunt a Jeremia, tales quoque sunt Judaei, in altera vita; indoles plane similis est descriptioni, quod mihi est ostensum per multam experientiam, nam perplures eorum, ex Divina Dei Messiae misericordia circum me fuerunt, loquuti mecum, in cruciatus missi, sed usque insaniverunt, sic ut iis fere nulla medela, nisi, ut iis dixi, quod lignarii et aquarii essent, sicut ii, de quibus in Josuae Libro [IX: [27] agitur. 1747, 12 Octob. st. v. Unus erat, qui aliquamdiu mecum erat, qui usque percipere potuit intimiora, quique valde miratus est, dicebatur mihi quod esset Nicodemus, qui intelligere potuit, quod vera essent, sed post aliquam commorationem et colloquutionem mecum, vel recessit, vel erat inter eos qui non loquuntur. Die 11 Oct. st. v. 1747.

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