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《灵界经历》 第150节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 150

150. About the native Character of the descendants of Jacob

For quite a while, the descendants of Jacob who are in the other life, and who act in character, depicted to me what they had been and what they are like, namely, that in every dangerous situation, they yield, are very fearful and despairing, humbling themselves even to the dust; but the moment the dangerous condition is past, they return to their character and are haughty, scorning all in the universe in comparison with themselves. Moreover, just to acquire earthly and worldly possessions, they resort to any means, even deceptive supplications, and very many other devices.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 150


For quite some time the descendants of Jacob who are in the other life and who act from their nature represented to me of what quality they had been, and still are, namely, that they succumb in every danger; they are most timid, and despair; and they humble themselves even to the dust. But as soon as the state of danger is passed, they return to their nature and are puffed up, and despise all in the universe in comparison with themselves. Moreover, if they can but possess earthly and worldly things, they resort to any means, even to deceitful supplications, and very many other practices.

Experientiae Spirituales 150 (original Latin 1748-1764)

150. De Genio posterorum Jacobi

Diu satis mihi repraesentatum est a posteris Jacobi, ab iis qui in altera vita sunt, et qui ex indole agunt, quales fuerunt et quales sunt, nempe quod in omni periculo succumbant, sint 1

timidissimi ac desperent, seque ad pulverem 2

usque humilient, illico vero, ut vertitur status periculi, redeunt in indolem suam suntque elati, et prae se omnes in universo spernunt; praeterea ut modo possideant terrena et mundana, ad omnia se convertunt, etiam ad supplicationes dolosas, et perplura alia.


1. The Manuscript has sunt

2. The Manuscript has pulvem

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