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《灵界经历》 第1513节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1513

1513. About the inhabitants of Saturn

Some from that earth had arrived at the boundary of this solar system, for the passage from one planet to another is easy, so that a spirit can go from one right up to another in almost a moment. Distance counts for nothing, not for the eye, still less for spiritual life and vision. In fact, when it is allowed to speak to the said spirits from that planet in this way, as if they were nearby, there are intermediate spirits who at once transmit the conversation. This is scarcely realized, except by those who are able to investigate inward matters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1513


Certain spirits from this earth arrived at the boundary of this solar system, for the passage from one earth to another is easy, so that a spirit from one earth can almost in a moment be in the vicinity of another. Distance is of no account as in the case of the eye, and still less in the case of spiritual life and sight: indeed I have been allowed to speak with those from that planet as if they were close at hand. There are intermediate spirits who transmit the speech in a moment, a fact scarcely perceived except by those who can know interior things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1513 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1513. De incolis Saturni

Quidam ab hac tellure pervenerunt ad finem hujus mundi, facilis enim itus ab una tellure ad alteram, sic ut spiritus fere momento possit esse ab una circa alteram, distantia nihil facit, sicut nec oculo, minus spirituali vitae, et visui, imo cum iisdem ab hac tellure ita loqui licet, sicut prope essent, sunt spiritus intermedii, qui momento perducunt loquelam, quod vix percipitur nisi ab iis, qui interiora nosse possunt.

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