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《灵界经历》 第1514节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1514

1514. Now when spirits of our earth had met them, which was at quite a great distance, at the level of the right eye, in front, spirits of the planet Saturn said they were amazed that demons from this region came to them so many times, asking them what God they worship. And when they realize that those spirits do not know, they say those spirits are insane not to know this and that they are not humans, but wild beasts.

"For what is more insane," they are now saying, "than to ask us what God we worship? and not to know that the Lord is the Only One, Who governs the Universe, and [to think] that there is another Lord besides the One and Only?" They say that the Lord Himself is with them, but because He rules the Universe, they are now saying they know He is with them for no other reason than that He is present everywhere.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1514

1514. When the spirits of our earth met them, which was at quite a considerable distance forward in the plane of the right eye, the spirits of the planet Saturn said that they wondered that genii from this region came to them so often, asking them what God they worship, and when they observe that the spirits of our earth do not know this, they say that they are insane not to know it, and that they are not men, but beasts, or wild animals. For what can be more insane, they now say, than to ask us what God we worship, thus showing that they do not know that the Lord, Who governs the Universe, is the Only One, and that there is no other Lord but that Only One. They say that the Lord Himself is with them; but since He governs the Universe, they now say that they know it cannot be otherwise than that He is with them because He is everywhere present.

Experientiae Spirituales 1514 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1514. Cumque spiritus nostri {a} telluris convenerunt eos, quod erat ad distantiam satis insignem, in plano oculi dextri antrorsum, dixerunt spiritus telluris Saturni, quod mirarentur, quod toties ad eos venirent genii ab hac regione, qui eos quaerunt, quem Deum colunt, quumque animadvertunt, quod id ignorent, dicunt, quod insaniant, quod nesciant, quodque non sint homines, sed bestiae aut ferae; "quid enim insanius," nunc dicunt, "quam quaerere nos, quem Deum colimus?" et 1

sic quod nesciant Dominum Unicum esse, Qui gubernat Universum? et quod alius Dominus praeter Unicum, sit 2

? Dominum 3

Ipsum penes eos esse dicunt, sed quia Universum gubernat; dicunt nunc, quod non aliter sciant quod apud eos sit, quin {b} ubivis praesens.


1. The Manuscript has colunt (sic!), et

2. In the Manuscript ante sit, manu B. Chastanier, non interpolatum et comma deletum est

3. The Manuscript has sit; Dominum

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